As a business owner/manager do you struggle with Work / Life Balance?

As a business owner/manager do you struggle with finding time to attend to “the bigger picture”?

Are you clear on your business, career or personal goals?

Are you struggling to get where you want to go?

Would you like support to focus on achieving what you want?

Business Coaching Services

What is it?

Coaching is a philosophy which informs techniques for supporting individuals achieve their full potential.

In essence the coach facilitates the individual to crystallise goals they wish achieve, and empowers them to explore their own solutions to deliver these goals in a positive, self-affirming way.

The coach supports the client to get clear, focussed and feeling good about themselves as they embark on their own path to transform their lives.

The Coach’s Role

The coach must create a supportive environment for the client, and throughout the relationship keep the best interest of the client at heart.

He/she must enter their world, understand the individual, where they are at, but at the same time challenge them and stretch them to achieve their full potential. The coach must act in the best interest of the client at all times.

The coach acts as a sounding board for the client, helping them to understand what are their perceived blockers to progress, and via the client’s own insights, help them build their own solutions to removing those obstacles.

Coaching is all about the client

Most coaching approaches share some things in common:

  • The establishment of a relationship that’s built on trust and confidentiality.
  • The formulation of client-based, agreed upon goals and expectations.
  • A deep questioning and learning dynamic in relation to people’s goals.

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